Mr and Mrs WDB III welcome you to their lives
Mom and Dad Julie Michael Douglas  

HAPPY 50th Anniversary!

To two people too wonderful to keep to ourselves.

The links above are currently picture galleries. 

This site was conceived and composed by Walt and Marilyn's daughter and son in law.  It was a Christmas 2002 present and greatly appreciated for the love and effort that went into it.  As the site grows and displays parts of the lives of Walt and Marilyn and their children we hope that those that might browse it also appreciate it.

Please feel free to click your way through the galleries and wonder at the lives shown here.

Julie, Doug, and Mike all have pictures.

Julie Grissom, Eldest of Walter and Marilyn's children has some photos in her gallery.  Doug has a few proud pics of his eldest son's Eagle Scout ceremony.  Michael and his family, being the busy people they are, have contributed their pictures to the storage bin but it has not been emptied onto the website yet.

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©2002 Walter and Marilyn Black • Webmaster Mom and Dad JulieMikeDougWeb